
A warm welcome to our new undergraduate and master’s students.

A warm welcome to Matthew Crown (UG) James Kelly (UG) Nicholas[…]

Matthias appointed to BBSRC expert panel

Matthias has been appointed for 3 years as an expert to[…]

Two post-doc positions available!

Two post-doc positions available in my lab funded by my recent[…]

Marie Curie Studentship available

PhD Studentship available! Together with Bayer within the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie European Training[…]

Best presentation award for Rachel!

Rachel Heap won the prize for the best presentation at the[…]

Team building: Team B smashed Team A!

Team B consisting of Sandra, Joe, Akshada, Maria, Ruth and José[…]

Lab retreat

We had a great lab retreat in Northumberland.

Latest paper on high-throughput MALDI TOF mass spectrometry

Our latest paper in high-throughput MALDI TOF mass spectrometry: “Profiling embryonic[…]

Welcome Frances, Jack and Ruth!

A warm welcome to our three new PhD students! Frances is[…]

updated manuscript on Biorxiv

Profiling embryonic stem cell differentiation by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry: development[…]

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