Laboratory for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry

The Laboratory for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry is based on the 4th floor of the Catherine Cookson Building of the Faculty of Medical Sciences (Framlington Place, Newcastle, NE2 4HH).

Its facility is shared with NUPPA .

The facility is equipped with the following mass spectrometers:

⇒Bruker timsTOF HT (with nanoElute or EvoSep LC or RSLC3000)

⇒Thermo Exploris 480 (with RSLC3000)

⇒Thermo QExactive HF (with RSLC3000 or Vanquish)

⇒Bruker rapifleX MALDI TOF PharmaPulse

⇒Sciex Triple TOF 6600 (with RSLC3000)



Office location:

Cookson Building, M4.030A

Tel ++44 191 2087009 (Matthias Trost)

Tel ++44 191 20888983 (Trost lab)

email: matthias.trost {at}